
The Forest School family challenge is now on!

Inspiring family outdoor play together

We want you to get out and enjoy playing with your family for free in your wonderful local Council Parks and other green spaces.

You do not need any special equipment or have any specialised training to become a NIFSA Forest School Family.

Research shows that the biggest epidemic of our time is not going to be obesity but it is in fact simply not getting enough sunlight!

Get started

By registering to become a Forest School Family you will get great ideas for games and fun activities to do in the natural environment.

Let's get out there today and start playing and exploring.

What do you need to do to become a NIFSA Forest School Family?

When you register your interest, we will send you a confirmation e-mail.

It is free to register as a Forest School Family and you will receive regular emails with great outdoor activity ideas.

Forest School Family Challenge

Why not take up our Forest School Family Challenge. Try SIX of our Forest School Family activities. When you have done them print out a Forest School Family Certificate to celebrate your achievements.

Download your Forest School Family Certificate when you have undertaken SIX outdoor activities.

Register as a Forest School Family

for free and receive regular Forest School Family activity ideas:

Forest School family challenge

Earn certificates

Free customisable certificates sent to you

Log the outdoor family activities you complete and we'll send you certificates.

You can tailor the family name so that no one is left out. If you lose your certificate under the fridge or it gets torn by accident, you can get an instant replacement by email. Clever stuff!

Forest School certificate for Your family

Ideas for you

Inspiration to get your family active and outside

Each season we'll provide a hand-picked selection of family activity ideas. You'll also get emails with some tips and links to that month's suggested activities. Save the activity sheets to your phone or print them off to take outside - all at no cost.

Here are some of the activity sheets you might see:


Capture your own dreams

Stick Wand

Join Harry Potter and make your own spells

Leaf Stencils

Create beautiful pictures

Your activity log







With your free family pass on the Northern Ireland Forest School Association website you get your very own activity log.

Log your activities

Keep a note of what you get up to

In a few seconds you can log your activities, with the option to add photos and memorable notes. Complete your seasonal challenge to get certificates.

The challenge is on!

By registering to become a NIFSA Forest School Family you will get great ideas for games and fun activities to do in the natural environment.

Let's get out there today and start playing and exploring.

more for families

Lots of family activity ideas

Books, equipment and more

Activities you and your family can do together

You do not need any specialised equipment or knowledge to take part. We want you to enjoy your time together as a family and explore the wonderful natural world around you.