Forest School Lou
Brush up your woodland wildflower identification skills for Forest School and join me for a springtime wander to identify 10 common UK woodland wildflower species.
Looking to light a fire successfully and safely at Forest School? This video covers the fire lighting basics, including; how to lay, light and extinguish a simple fire for Forest School, including essential safety information, preparation tips and some thoughts on how to manage the space and learners at Forest School.
Are you thinking about leading foraging activities at Forest School? In this video I cover essential tips to stay safe, be mindful of sustainable practices and keeping with the law when leading foraging activities at Forest School..
Strong, bendy wood as a renewable resource – we celebrate Hazel trees (Corylus avellana) and share how to identify Hazel in winter using the S.O.B.S. acronym. As well as winter tree identification we also share some properties and uses of Hazel that may be useful for Forest School programmes.
Wondering how to teach knots at Forest School? Is knot tying terminology getting you in a tangle? In this video I give an introduction to knots at Forest School, sharing some thoughts on terminology and 7 teaching tips I’ve found useful.
Play at Forest School is valued as the ‘highest expression of human development’, yet we live in a consumeristic society that doesn’t always value it. In this video we explore a definition of play, consider the importance of play in nature and look at how we can support play at Forest School.
Appropriate risk at Forest School develops resilience, self-worth and is one of the Forest School principles. However, we live in a risk adverse society that doesn’t always support appropriate risk taking. In this video we explore some of the misconceptions around risk, consider the importance of risk to healthy human development and look at how we can support appropriate risk at Forest School.
Working with teenagers at Forest School? In this video we share 7 tips for running Forest School with secondary aged learners based on my experiences of trying to reach a state of learner-led ‘play’ when I have worked with this age group.
Looking to learn how to identify trees in winter so you can survey your Forest School site? In this video we share the S.O.B.S. acronym to give you some tips for winter tree identification.