A Fitter Future for All is the cross-Departmental framework for preventing overweight and
obesity across the life course of the population of Northern Ireland, was published in 2012
and contains a range of short, medium and long term outcomes to be delivered over the
period 2012-2022. The short term outcomes identified in 2012 were revised for 2015-2019
and have now been revised for a final time for implementation during 2019-2022.
The Children and Young People’s Strategy is our plan for
making life better for all children and young people in
Northern Ireland and giving them the best start in life.
This means providing good support and services for all children
and young people, with extra help for children and young
people who need more support or care in their lives.
There are eight main things that we want for children and
young people. We call these “outcomes”.
Every Child Matters is a UK government initiative for England and Wales, that was launched in 2003, at least partly in response to the death of Victoria Climbié. It is one of the most important policy initiatives which has been introduced in relation to children and children’s services of the last decade, and has been described as a “sea change” to the children and families agenda. It has been the title of three government papers, leading to the Children Act 2004. Every Child Matters covers children and young adults up to the age of 19, or 90 for those with disabilities.
Our Objective
The Northern Ireland Executive is committed to creating the conditions for
individuals, families and communities to take greater control over their lives and
be enabled and supported to lead healthy lives.
Agencies, children and young people, families and
communities across Northern Ireland working together – to
improve outcomes for children and young people through
integrated planning and commissioning