Learning About Forests
Lots of activities exploring the forest ecosystem
Learn about the term Biodiversity
Presentation about Carbon Dioxide and climate change
This is a series of activities designed to get people observing nature using all of their senses. Each activity focuses primarily on one sense
During the year, there will be many discussions on many different levels regarding climate and climate change – and many questions will arise. Here we have summed up 10 common questions regarding forests, trees and climate – and tried giving relatively short answers. These short answers cannot cover every aspect of the problem and give a complete explanation, so we encourage you also to seek more knowledge on your own.
Whether you are simply looking to familiarise yourselves with your surrounding environment or considering to care for it, compiling a habitat map of the area is a great starting point.
Everything you need to know about Ireland’s forests
Explore minibeasts in your school grounds
Products and uses for trees
Products from forests
Plants to go in your school grounds
The aims of this teaching material are to make pupils aware of the effect consumers
have on global warming, and to make them reflect on their role as consumers.
Further learning goal is the use of tree as a carbon sink and the importance of
forests to combat global warming.
“Everyone says, the climate is
changing,” says Robert to himself.
“There is too much CO2 in the air. They
say they will do something about it. So will I.”
Wilma-the-wisp sits up in a tree. Robert has
not discovered her, so he cannot see, that she is
smiling. But she is.
Why are trees important?
What can you and your class expect? The topic of water in the forest is quite common. Why then should you
use this particular guide? Isit not just another set of worksheets? This time we tried to approach it from a
“different” perspective. We planned the worksheets and the individual activitiestogether with teachers and
experts as one unit, thatshows teachers and their class a way to tackle the topic from different angles(pupils
will not only find out about some of the intracacies of the forest ecosystem, observe water directly in the
forest, but also plan how to correctly pack for a trip to the forest and have a go at doing something good for
the forest)
Looking at how animals and plants are linked together
Why choose wood as a material?