Primary •
Cast a spell to create the perfect wood! What are the magic ingredients for an amazing woodland? A dash of dazzling autumn leaves? A handful of giant muddy puddles? A sprinkling of trees to climb? Collect ideas, smells, sounds and textures. Mix them up, cast a spell, then go on a hunt to find your perfect wood.
Make your own Green Man or woodland spirit. The woods are said to be home to nature spirits, elves and fairies. Create your own using leaves, mud and other natural items. Choose a spot for your sculpture a tree trunk, large rock or the forest floor is best Gather fallen ferns, pine cones, twigs and leaves and make a face If there’s a big group of you, try making a life-sized figure Leave your sculpture behind for other people to find. Maybe they’ll be inspired to make their own spirit too!
Learn how to carve a marshmallow stick or a magic wand! Our tips for beginners will help you become a whittling wizard: Find a thick, dry stick – straight ones are ideal Strip away the bark with a vegetable peeler or wood carving knife Smooth your stick with sandpaper When you’ve finished carving, decorate your whittled twig using ribbon, string and paint! Stay safe. Please be careful when you’re whittling. Peelers and knives are very sharp, so do this activity with a grown-up and always carve away from your body. Keep a first aid kit handy in case of any cuts.
Make your own woodland-inspired wind chime. Collect a handful of long, straight sticks, paint them and hang them up ta-da! Your very own woodland wind chime! Try sticks of different shapes and sizes do they sound different? Paint your sticks bright colours, or draw a pattern on them Which other instruments can you make? Set up your own woodland orchestra!
Look for gaps in branches and leaves it’s a summer woodland window! View the woods in a whole new way. What can you see when you peep through the branches? Does the size of the window affect the view? Some windows will be low down, while others will be high up What can you see? Woodland windows can appear in all sorts of places!
Our woods are home to some amazing birds and animals. Download our spotter sheet and see how much wildlife you can find. Keep your eyes peeled when you’re out and about. Spot minibeasts in the air and on the ground Look out for lots of different coloured flowers Watch animals making the most of the sunshine How many did you tick off? Did you spot anything else? Tell us in the comments below!
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