spotter sheet
Keep your eyes peeled for fantastic fungi. Fungi can pop up at any time of year can you find these spring specimens? They grow on or around dead and decaying wood. Look carefully some fungi are tiny! Not all fungi are mushrooms some are bracket fungi and some are jelly-like Remember, never touch fungi some can be very poisonous! Fungi are hidden beneath the ground most of the time, but they usually appear above ground after rain.
Keep your eyes peeled for flowers, birds, bugs and leaves as spring bursts into life. Look out for signs of spring next time you’re out and about. Can you find flowers growing among the trees and grasses? Listen for birds singing What will you spot? Remember to use all your senses when you’re hunting for signs of spring!
Grab a collecting bag and hunt for spring treasures! Next time you’re in the woods, take this spring scavenger hunt with you and see what you can find. Search for flowers, twigs and leaves Track down different textures – smooth pebbles, soft feathers and silky petals Look on the woodland floor, in the trees and among the grass What other exciting spring treasures will you find?
Can you ID all these summer flowers? Look out for summer flowers in fields, woods and parks next time you’re out and about. Some flowers might be easy to find, and some might need a bit more detective work! Do different flowers attract different insects? You might spot some flowers in your garden, while others grow in woods Flowers bloom at different times, so keep your eyes peeled!
What will you spot this summer? Next time you’re in the woods, keep your eyes peeled for leaves, minibeasts and flowers. Hunt among the trees and bushes Look up in the sky and on the ground How many different species can you find? Challenge your family and friends and see who can spot the most!
Head outdoors and track down summertime treasures. Keep your eyes peeled next time you’re out and about. Can you collect all these signs of summer? Look for daisies, buttercups and patterned petals Can you find a munched leaf and a nibbled cone? Hunt for fluffy dandelion clocks and blow the seeds away! Count five different types of grass Look out for green hazelnuts Can you track down a four-leaf clover? Remember to take a basket or bag with you to keep everything safe. What can you make with your treasures?
Take a deeeeeep breath! Can you smell the scents of summer? The woods are full of lots of different smells during summer. Sniff them out! Try and smell as many summer flowers as you can Does the wood smell different after it’s been raining? Which woodland scent is your favourite? Blindfold yourself or your friends and guess which smell is which. How many different ones can you identify?
Spot signs of animals and insects, and discover who’s been visiting the woods. Be a real Nature Detective and get sleuthing! Use all your senses while you’re out and about Remember to look in the trees as well as on the ground Sit still and listen: what can you hear? What else can you find? Explore under logs and leaf litter, listen out for birds singing, and keep your eyes peeled around ponds.
Can you find these tree-themed spots on your travels? Next time you’re off on a long journey, keep your eyes peeled for trees. Hunt for trees in unexpected places like street names Can you find any other woodland-themed things? Who can spot trees the quickest? Set themes like trees, woodland animals and birds, and see what you can track down!
Take this spotter sheet out into the spring sunshine and see what you can spot! Spring is such an exciting time to explore. Are you up to the challenge? Look out for blossom, catkins and early flowers Keep your eyes peeled for minibeasts! Listen for birds singing first thing in the morning Can you find any other super springtime spots?
Identify trees just using their twigs. Ready to be a real Nature Detective? Keep your eyes peeled for these twigs while you’re out and about. Do you think birds would use any of the sticks to build their nests? Look out for twigs on the woodland floor some are thin and short, some are fat and long Can you tell which trees they’ve come from? Look for twigs all over the woods. Use them to build something twig-tastic!
Use this iDial to help you identify trees all year round. Twigs give us lots of clues for tree ID, even if the trees are leafless – can you find out which trees your twigs have come from? Hunt for these sticks on the forest floor and among the branches Can you spot any new leaves coming through on the twigs? When you find a twig, try guessing which tree it comes from, then check your iDial to see if you were right. Make sure you take this iDial with you when you go to the woods or play in your garden. Once you’ve spotted some twigs, try making something from them.
Identify birds that live in the woods with a printable iDial. When you go down to the woods today, look out for woodland birds and use your iDial to identify them. Keep your eyes peeled while you’re walking through the woods Listen out for bird song Some birds will be in the trees and some will be on the ground How many woodland birds did you ID? Which was your favourite? Did you hear them singing? See if you can spot any other birds while you’re on your travels.
Head off on a winter scavenger hunt and get collecting! How many of these winter signs can you spot? Be a real Nature Detective and tick them off when you find them! Keep your eyes peeled you may be surprised where winter treasures can hide! Items can be smooth, delicate, rough and prickly. Which is your favourite? Collect as many fallen items as you can and use them to make something amazing Remember to take a basket or bag with you when you set off on your scavenger hunt. That way, you won’t lose any items!
Use this guide to help you ID trees in winter. Trees have lots of clues when it comes to identifying them during the colder months. Find out what to look for. Take a close look at any buds are they pointy, sticky, clustered? Can you see any catkins? Use our twig ID sheet to identify other species
Look out for fresh snow, frost and icicles! Next time you’re in the woods, keep your eyes peeled. Can you find all these wintry treasures? Look for animal footprints in frost or snow who do they belong to? Can you find the biggest icicle or frosted spider web? Look carefully and you might spot glittering snowflakes Which other wintry spots can you find?
Buds. Catkins. Poo! What will you spot this winter? There’s still so much to spot during the coldest months of the year. So what are you waiting for? Get outside! Use your senses what can you see, hear, smell? Remember to look on the ground, on deadwood and in the trees Winter is an exciting time, and the bare trees make spotting animals and birds much easier How many have you managed to tick off? Did you spot any other wonderfully wintry signs?
Look out for these woodland birds next time you’re out and about. Lots of wild birds make their homes in the woods. How many can you spot while you’re on your woodland wander? Some birds prefer to eat seeds and insects in the trees, but others search for food in leaf litter. You might hear the birds before you see them, but keep your eyes peeled Sit still and quiet and wait to see if any birds appear Some birds are harder to spot than others, so you’ll have to look carefully. If you identified each bird on this sheet, try finding others. Which are your favourites?
Our woods are home to some amazing birds and animals. Download our spotter sheet and see how much wildlife you can find. Keep your eyes peeled when you’re out and about. Spot minibeasts in the air and on the ground Look out for lots of different coloured flowers Watch animals making the most of the sunshine How many did you tick off? Did you spot anything else? Tell us in the comments below!
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