Woodland Trust
Introduce your little one to trees with a leaf hunt! Take your mini Nature Detective into the woods and help them collect different types of leaves. Choose leaves of different shapes, sizes, colours and textures Describe them are they smooth, rough, prickly? Let your little one hold each leaf Collect the leaves together and make a collage when you get home.
Make funny faces out of leaves, mud and bark! This nature craft can be done all year round using bits and pieces you can find in the woods or your garden. Look for mud, leaves, bark, flowers, pebbles and feathers. Create a face peeping up from the woodland floor, or peering down from a tree trunk. Make a leafy portrait, or a whole family of faces! Leave your funny faces in the woods for other people to find. On your next visit, look to see if any new ones have joined them!
Find all the lovely leaves on this super spotter sheet. Take this spotter sheet with you when you’re out and about. Can you find all the leaves? Look for leaves on the ground and in the trees Have you spotted more long, fat, spiky or curled leaves? Which is your favourite type of leaf? Try collecting the different types of leaves you find. Perhaps you could take them home and use them to make a lovely leafy picture?
Learn about the trees in your garden, street or local wood. Here’s our handy leaf ID sheet. It has 13 common British trees on it, including oak, hazel and holly. Use it identify leaves on trees and on the ground. Look at leaf shapes and sizes. How are they different? Some leaves change colour in autumn. Find out why. Did you find all the leaves on the sheet?
A handy tool to help kids identify trees found in the UK. Print and make the leaf iDial, then take it with you on your next adventure. How many different leaves can you find? Look out for leaves during spring, summer and autumn Challenge your friends to see who can find each leaf first! Try guessing which tree or shrub a leaf belongs to, then check the iDial to see if you were right! Did you know? Leaves are large and flat to help them absorb sunlight and carbon dioxide, which they turn into food to help trees and plants grow.
Make a colourful mask using autumn leaves. One of the best things about autumn is the colourful leaves! Turn them into a fantastic face mask with this fun and easy craft. Head outside and collect some fallen leaves – look for reds, yellows, oranges and golds. Cut out a mask shape from some card. Don’t forget the eye holes! Stick your leaves to the card. Attach some ribbon so you can wear it.
Create a mobile from sticks and leaves. Bring the woods home and make a memento of your day out. Your mobile can be as big or as small as you like Look for leaves that are different colours, shapes and sizes Paint your sticks for an extra splash of colour Hang your mobile in your room, or leave it in the woods for other people to discover.
Ahoy, me hearties! Make ye own pirate hat and set sail. Collect lots of different shapes, sizes and colours of leaves and stick them to your pirate hat. Add a pirate symbol like a skull and cross bones to the front of your hat Are you the captain or best mate? Always ask a grown-up to help you when cutting out Now you’re ready to set sail and scavenge for buried treasure!
Use leaves and crayons to create amazing pictures. Make your own autumn woodland using real leaves. Collect leaves that are different shapes and sizes Use the wide sides of crayons to rub over leaves Try and get all the little details, like veins and crinkly edges Once you’ve rubbed enough leaves, stick them on your wall and make a leaf rubbing forest!
Make a sensory box using leaves and toys. Add your autumn items and favourite toys to a shoebox, and get hunting! This is a fantastic sensory activity for tiny Nature Detectives Describe the sounds the leaves make in the box rustle, crunch, shush! Choose lots of different toys balls and wooden figures are great
Gather lots of autumn leaves and play a game of leaf snap. Remember you’ll need at least two of each kind of leaf. Matching leaves can be the same colour or the same type it’s up to you Don’t forget to set the rules on what’s a match before you start playing! The last person with a handful of leaves is the winner Learn about the leaves with our handy leaf ID sheet.
Tell stories around a roaring fire – made from leaves! In autumn, there are lots of flame-coloured leaves around. Get collecting, then build your own leafy campfire. Arrange some conkers or stones in a circle. Stack some sticks in a teepee shape. Cover the sticks with the brightest leaves you can find, so they look like a flickering fire. Real fires in woods can be dangerous. This is a safe alternative that’s great fun to make!
Get baking and create this amazing ladybird cake. Get ready to wow your friends and family, and tuck in! This cake is great for parties, birthdays, or just for a fun treat! Decorate it using brightly coloured icing and sweets Get inspired by real ladybirds will you make a seven-spot, five-spot or orange ladybird? Have a go at making cakes inspired by other woodland minibeasts try bumblebees, caterpillars and ants.
Make your own wand and weave a little woodland magic. Find a special stick and turn it into a magic wand. Then get set to cast some spells! Your wand can be as brightly coloured as you like Try making different wands for different spells Don’t forget to add natural items like feathers and fallen leaves to your wand You might need a grown-up to help you peel the bark from your stick.
Make a magic potion using natural treasures. If you go down to the woods today, you’ll find heaps of ingredients to make your own make potion. Collect some mysterious bits and bobs. Can you find a fluffy feather, some scented pine needles, a shiny acorn? Add water and a little food colouring. Use a special stirring stick to give everything a magic mix Now make a wish! This is a great activity for Halloween, or if your kids like playing witches and wizards.
Feed the birds, outsmart the squirrels. Next time you feed the birds, try these top tips to stop squirrels stealing their snacks. Use things you have at home, such as Vaseline, bowls and plastic tubes Experiment with different techniques Make sure you ask your grown-up to help you! Did you manage to stop the squirrels in their tracks?
Transform ordinary sticks into dazzling star decorations. This is a great craft to try in winter when you’ll find lots of twigs on the forest floor. Fasten some sticks together in a star shape Paint it bright colours Hang your star on your Christmas tree or on your bedroom wall!
Make your own wreath using twigs, pine cones or evergreen leaves. This hands-on activity is great fun. Here are some ideas to get you started: Twist twigs together to make the wreath base, or use cardboard Experiment with different shapes – a square, an oval or a star Keep the natural look or paint your wreath bright colours A wreath is a traditional Christmas decoration, but you could display yours throughout winter as a celebration of this beautiful season!
Keep a log of your woodland adventures. Record your next woodland adventure in this wonderful woodland log book. Draw, paint and write about everything you discovered Think about how you describe the woods and trees you see Remember to use all your senses and see what you can spot Keeping a record like this helps you remember your favourite woods, and what you got up to on your visit.
Pop your woodland treasures into a paper bag and decorate it. You’ll need somewhere to store all your wonderful woodland items, so why not make a treasure bag? Use these sheets to decorate your treasure box or bag Make sure the bag is brightly coloured you could even add patterns! Maybe you could give it a special theme? Try woodland animals or leaves. Now you’re all set to collect your woodland treasures remember to take your bag next time you go on an adventure!
Gather blackberries and make this refreshing iced tea Foraging is thirsty work! Squish your blackberries and brew up this tasty tea. Only the best explorers find the juiciest berries, so get hunting! Remember to leave enough for the birds and other animals It’s the perfect drink to enjoy in the sunshine You could even take your iced tea out on your next woodland wander!
Create your very own tasty blackberry lollies. What can you make with foraged blackberries? Lollies, of course! Make sure you leave enough berries for birds and animals Don’t forget to get rid of the pips! All you need to do now is eat them in the sunshine. Try other fruity combinations: raspberry and apple, or strawberry and blueberry. Yum!
Use blackberries and apples to rustle up these tasty treats. Gather your ingredients and get creative in the kitchen. Choose the ripest, juiciest blackberries and your favourite type of apples Maybe you could try different types of fruit? Ask your grown-up to help you the oven can get very hot Eat the swirls as soon as they re ready, or pack them up and take them on your next woodland wander.
Create these easy peasy tasty treats. Get inspired by real life conkers and whip up these yummy sweets. Conkers are a bit knobbly, so don’t worry if yours aren’t perfectly round You can even make their green shells using marzipan and green food colouring Will you get to lick the bowl afterwards? It’s the best bit! Chocolate conkers are perfect for sharing with your family and friends. Yum!
Have a go at baking these yummy fairy cakes. Got your ingredients ready? Let’s get baking! Create tasty fairy cakes for your family, friends or yourself! Unleash your imagination and get decorating Perhaps you could invite your friends to a cake party? Get inspired by a walk in the woods and show off all the colours of the season in your cakes. Yum!