World Around Us
Keep your eyes peeled for these spine-tingling nature spots What can you see and hear in the woods this Halloween? Go exploring if you dare ! Look among the leaf litter can you spotter any creepy crawlies? What’s calling in the trees? Make up a story about the things you spot Head outside after dark for a super spooky adventure!
Set off on a spooky scavenger hunt what will you find? Keep your eyes peeled and start a creepy collection. Look for goblin eyes and spooky silhouettes What’s the scariest thing you can find? Can you make anything from what you’ve discovered? Make up a spine-tingling story or terrifying spell using the weird things you find.
Use our spotter sheet to identify bluebells, violets and wood anemones. Spring is a fantastic time to look for colourful flowers in the woods! Download our ID sheet and see how many you can find. Find out when different flowers are in bloom Look out for white, blue and yellow petals Can you spot bees and butterflies visiting flowers?
Keep your eyes peeled for fantastic fungi. Fungi can pop up at any time of year can you find these spring specimens? They grow on or around dead and decaying wood. Look carefully some fungi are tiny! Not all fungi are mushrooms some are bracket fungi and some are jelly-like Remember, never touch fungi some can be very poisonous! Fungi are hidden beneath the ground most of the time, but they usually appear above ground after rain.
Keep your eyes peeled for flowers, birds, bugs and leaves as spring bursts into life. Look out for signs of spring next time you’re out and about. Can you find flowers growing among the trees and grasses? Listen for birds singing What will you spot? Remember to use all your senses when you’re hunting for signs of spring!
Grab a collecting bag and hunt for spring treasures! Next time you’re in the woods, take this spring scavenger hunt with you and see what you can find. Search for flowers, twigs and leaves Track down different textures – smooth pebbles, soft feathers and silky petals Look on the woodland floor, in the trees and among the grass What other exciting spring treasures will you find?
Create a colourful squirrel. Grab your favourite colouring pens, pencils or paints and get crafty. Try making this cheeky squirrel from a collage of natural items Maybe you could turn each type of leaf a different colour? Can you find a real acorn for him to nibble on? What colours will you choose? Let your imagination run wild!
Transform into a super stag beetle! Do you love peace and quiet? Do you like spending time by yourself, doing your own thing? Do you love exploring the woods on a beautiful summer’s day? If so, you’re like a stag beetle! Print out and make up this marvellous mask to complete your transformation.
Grab your favourite colours and create a majestic stag. Colour in this stunning stag. What’s his name? Where does he live? Stick leaves and other natural items around your stag to create a forest Use crayons, pens, paints add texture with tissue paper and bits of magazines! Give your stag a leafy crown, or make one out of gold ribbon
Can you ID all these summer flowers? Look out for summer flowers in fields, woods and parks next time you’re out and about. Some flowers might be easy to find, and some might need a bit more detective work! Do different flowers attract different insects? You might spot some flowers in your garden, while others grow in woods Flowers bloom at different times, so keep your eyes peeled!
What will you spot this summer? Next time you’re in the woods, keep your eyes peeled for leaves, minibeasts and flowers. Hunt among the trees and bushes Look up in the sky and on the ground How many different species can you find? Challenge your family and friends and see who can spot the most!
Head outdoors and track down summertime treasures. Keep your eyes peeled next time you’re out and about. Can you collect all these signs of summer? Look for daisies, buttercups and patterned petals Can you find a munched leaf and a nibbled cone? Hunt for fluffy dandelion clocks and blow the seeds away! Count five different types of grass Look out for green hazelnuts Can you track down a four-leaf clover? Remember to take a basket or bag with you to keep everything safe. What can you make with your treasures?
Take a deeeeeep breath! Can you smell the scents of summer? The woods are full of lots of different smells during summer. Sniff them out! Try and smell as many summer flowers as you can Does the wood smell different after it’s been raining? Which woodland scent is your favourite? Blindfold yourself or your friends and guess which smell is which. How many different ones can you identify?
Spot signs of animals and insects, and discover who’s been visiting the woods. Be a real Nature Detective and get sleuthing! Use all your senses while you’re out and about Remember to look in the trees as well as on the ground Sit still and listen: what can you hear? What else can you find? Explore under logs and leaf litter, listen out for birds singing, and keep your eyes peeled around ponds.
Can you find these tree-themed spots on your travels? Next time you’re off on a long journey, keep your eyes peeled for trees. Hunt for trees in unexpected places like street names Can you find any other woodland-themed things? Who can spot trees the quickest? Set themes like trees, woodland animals and birds, and see what you can track down!
Follow a secret trail to discover treasures remember, x marks the spot! Discovered something wonderful in the woods? Leave a trail your friends can follow and lead them to secret treasure. Use sticks and other natural items to mark out your trail If there’s a big group of you, make lots of different trails Challenge your friends to find treasures and make their own trails
Take this spotter sheet out into the spring sunshine and see what you can spot! Spring is such an exciting time to explore. Are you up to the challenge? Look out for blossom, catkins and early flowers Keep your eyes peeled for minibeasts! Listen for birds singing first thing in the morning Can you find any other super springtime spots?
This guide is designed to show you the range of possibilities when designing or developing high quality outdoor childcare provision.
The list provides examples of practice combined with site-specific and appropriate design. The images used below meet the specific site
needs and are designed to give an indication of what can be done. There is no one-size-fits all solution and they are not intended to be
prescriptive or exhaustive.
The aims of this teaching material are to make pupils aware of the effect consumers
have on global warming, and to make them reflect on their role as consumers.
Further learning goal is the use of tree as a carbon sink and the importance of
forests to combat global warming.
Young children thrive and their minds & bodies develop best when
they have free access to stimulating outdoor environments for learning
through play and real experiences.
CfE guidelines for Early Years are clear that “all aspects of the
curriculum can be explored outside. The sights, sounds and smells
of the outdoors, the closeness to nature, the excitement most children
feel, the wonder and curiosity all serve to enhance and stimulate learning”.
“Everyone says, the climate is
changing,” says Robert to himself.
“There is too much CO2 in the air. They
say they will do something about it. So will I.”
Wilma-the-wisp sits up in a tree. Robert has
not discovered her, so he cannot see, that she is
smiling. But she is.
How many woodland treasures can you fit in a matchbox or raisin box? Collect miniature twigs, pebbles and petals and keep them safe. Challenge yourself can you find lots of tiny things that are the same colour or shape? What can you make from your little finds? What else can you find? Squeeze as many bits and pieces as possible into your matchbox, and see who can collect the most.
Help! – How do we dry hands, kill germs and
save the planet?
Help! How do tie knots and what rope do I use?
Importance of children getting outside due to Covid