2 October 2023 – Gruffalo Exploration

Seated area: Talk about the features of the Gruffalo as described in the book.

Activities for exploration:
1. Mud kitchen: Make a Gruffalo face with mud.
2. Free play.
3. Art and Maths: make a clay Gruffalo and give it a set number of purple prickles all over its back (based upon number level). Tuff tray activity.
4. Science: Digging and bug exploration in digging area – can they identify the bugs by matching them to the visuals?

Practice whistle rules:
Every so often practice whistle rule for stop and come back to group, then change activity.

Visuals for whistle rules.
Rating faces
Gruffalo book and props
Digging tools
Mud, bowls and utensils for kitchen.
Bugs visuals.
Paper for Gruffalo mud picture.
Coloured matchsticks and whiteboard – give the Gruffalo x number of purple prickles.
Tarps for activities.
Bug exploration kits (purchased with Outdoor Learning funding).
Whiteboard marker

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