6 November 2023: Natural Art – Butterfly

Seated area: story in triangular area. Pupils can sit on the wooden seating for story time.

Play a game: introduce the floor is lava. Have visuals for this. Staff member to run around and respond to ‘floor is lava’ call by getting off the ground. Pupils can then play.

During the game:

Practice Whistle Rules:
– 1 whistle ‘stop’
– 2 whistles ‘group;’

After the game:

Tuff Tray Group Activity: All pupils to come to Tuff Tray to make a butterfly using natural materials.

Make a butterfly using the ground as a canvas.

After each pupil has had a turn having a photo taken (if they want) move to other activities:

Activities for exploration:
1. Mud kitchen – Recipe card to be placed at the kitchen and staff to make sure that the ‘ingredients’ are available.
2. Free play.
3. Free digging area using tools and exploring bugs using the bug exploration kits.

To end the session, use the whistle rules – 1 to call things to a stop. Ask to tidy up then 2 whistle blows to come back to group and rate the lesson.

Whistle, Rating Faces, Stanley’s Stick book, Mud Kitchen Recipe Cards and ingredients, Picture for Tuff Tray activity.

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