ResourcesFamilyPage 3


Mud Printing

A different take on leaf printing

Muddy Play

Mud is good for you, scientific fact

Nail Hedgehog

Start using tools

Natural Bubble Wands

How big a bubble can you make?

Natural Letters

What letters can you spot?

Natural Music

Discover your natural musical talent

Natural Play

Getting outside is so good for your mental and physical health

Nature Frames

Which shape will you choose?

Nature Pictures

Let’s get creative.

Nature Weaving

Have a go at weaving with natural materials

Needle Compass

Which way is North?

Newspaper Bug House

Another style of bug house to try


Make this one a really difficult challenge

Number Grid

Learn maths using this number grid

Outdoor Painting

Don’t worry about having to tidy up a messy painting session

Paint the Snow

Can you really paint snow?

Path Finder

Can you find the correct way?


What will you add to your playdough?

Printing with Nature

Use nature to print

Puddle Jumping

Who can make the biggest splash?

Rain Gauge

How much rain did we get last week?

Rain Pictures

See what the rain will do to your pictures

Rainy Day Scavenger Hunt

Bored and stuck in the house on a rainy day?

Relax in Nature

Take time out to simply enjoy nature

Ribbon Sticks

Have fun twirling