ResourcesResearchNature-based Mindfulness Lessons for Children: A Content Analysise through nature-based intervention

Nature-based Mindfulness Lessons for Children: A Content Analysise through nature-based intervention

Around the world, Sustainability Education and Mindfulness Education are being adopted by teachers as a means to re-connect human society and its life support systems. Those working in the space of both Sustainability Education and Mindfulness Education have seen an opportunity to further strengthen humanity’s connection with the environment and have recently created nature-based mindfulness lessons and programs for children. The lessons explicitly connect mindfulness with the natural world and/or Sustainability Education. In the current study the authors analysed 44 nature-based mindfulness lessons for students aged approximately six to 18 years old, posing the research question, ‘What is the nature and content of child-centric nature-based mindfulness lessons? The methodology of Content Analysis was used to examine texts according to 11 categories, and 58 associated sub-categories. It was found that the lessons invited students to raise their awareness of the interconnected and interdependent nature of human existence and the natural environment. However, there was little content related to acting or learning the skills required to act in a positive way towards the environment. A number of recommendations are suggested for research and practice – including in-depth examination of how classroom teachers implement and experience nature-based mindfulness.

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