ShopNature RangersAfter school clubsAfter School Bookings through Magic Bookings

After School Bookings through Magic Bookings



  • 1st make an account on our new booking system
  • Then add the details and permissions for each child (once this is done you never have to redo for future bookings).
  • Ensure you add the correct school for your child as only sessions available to them will be visible (bookings in other school won’t be available)
  • Now you go to ‘Book Activity’ tab and then Nature Ranger Clubs
  • To make a booking tick one child at a time, pick the session for that child, tick the day, then click add dates
  • If you want to book for a 2nd child now tick them and their session
  • Once you have booked all children, on click next and it will bring you to the payment information. You are able to pay for all bookings at once.